Dean B.

“Over many years of strenuous physical activity, my body felt like it was giving up on me. I was desperate to fix a crippling problem with my elbows. I have competed in many different sports for the past 40 years including football, rugby, lacrosse, Olympic style weightlifting and powerlifting, as well as hockey. In short, I have managed to beat my body up pretty good. At 50 years of age I decided to start boxing competitively.

Things were going relatively smoothly when both my elbows began giving me incredible pain. This pain was sharp and paralyzing to my arms. It hurt in the elbow itself but also felt like nerve pain, shooting down my arms at times. The pain came on while boxing whenever I blocked punches with my forearms, compressing the elbow joint. It also hurt at the end of each punch, when my arm was almost fully extended. I was thinking boxing wasn’t going to happen for me and maybe I am too old to do this.

In fact, the pain could come on at any time if I turned my arm a certain way or even just taking off my shirt, so I was worried about just being able to function normally day to day. I went to the physician who said I had both tennis and golfer’s elbow in both arms, which was interesting given I have never played tennis and only golf once or twice a year. Seriously though, it was a disturbing diagnosis, particularly when he advised me of the potential solution, which was take Advil and get massages. Despite my reluctance, I did what he said and as predicted there was no improvement whatsoever.

Then I went to Dr. Samanta. He explained PRP to me and I decided to give it a try. I had one treatment in each elbow and within 2 weeks the problem was 99% gone. Since having the treatments 4 months ago, the improvement has been constant and I have had very few issues with my elbows. I am boxing, swimming, and lifting weights 6 days a week, and everything is still great. Thanks to Dr. Samanta my athletic goals are still within reach!”